In my quest to improve my health, I have FINALLY decided to quit drinking my drug of choice -- diet Mtn Dew. Yes, in exactly 216 hours, I will be taking my very last swig of this cool and very energizing drink. This is a very big step for me but I know it will drastically improve my health.
Since I know this is a good and long time coming decision, why am I so apprehensive? I've made similar changes in the past. After my marriage ended twelve years ago, I gave up alcohol. No problem. After I received my MBA over twenty years ago, I gave up cigarettes. That was a breeze. But my addiction to this zero-calorie caffeinated beverage is more engrained -- I don't bleed red; I bleed green. So, while I am looking forward to being free from this addiction, I really am not looking forward to the withdrawal that I will go through -- the awful headaches, the mood swings, and the lack of energy.
I am sure there are betting pools among my friends, coworkers and family on just how many days I will actually make it dewless. It won't be easy but quit I must. I realize the fallacy in my logic that this zero-calorie drink did not impact my weight and health. Boy was I WRONG! I now know better and am ready to take on the withdrawal symptoms. Thank you to all of you readers who tried to tell me about the health issues concerning sodas and weight loss. I'd like your suggestions on a new, yet healthy energy source. What do you drink in the afternoon when you feel like taking a nap?
Nancy Johnson
Send your nominations for doctor of the year
10 years ago
Congrats on your decision! I quit drinking diet sodas last year and don't regret it one bit. I tapered off over a two week period and haven't gone back.
The best replacement I've found is green tea (caffeinated if you need it). You can use stevia to sweeten it if you need it. There are other types of teas you can try as well.
Good luck!
Um, what makes you think it will drastically improve your health? Drastically improving your health involves making a number of drastic changes to your lifestyle, not just giving up zero calorie soda.
Good luck. I've given up Starbucks. More for my pockets than health. Cutting back drastically last week helped me meet my weigh in goal this week.
Addictions are crazy, I find myself gravitating towards mountain dews in the office now. And the credit card swiping vending machines with the 20 ounce bottles don't help.
Happy early birthday!
I find that when I get the afternoon sleepies that a good walk helps- get up, walk somewhere and don't purchase a caffeine drink or any drink for that matter. I figured out it wasn't the snack that helped, but the getting up and walking away from my desk for a few minutes.
I drink either water or real, full sugar soda. Since I know the consequences of the soda, I don't drink it daily - maybe three or four of the small, 8 ounce cans a week as a treat.
It's amazing what people can justify as a treat. If you drink three 8 ounce servings of Coke per week that is 500 calories a week. That is 26,000 junk calories a year. That is 7.5 pounds a year you are ingesting, or 75 pounds a decade. So much for your little treat.
This is why so many people are fat. It all adds up.
I wanted to thank you for bringing up the BVO in a previous post about your favorite yellow drink. It caused me to read up on it a little bit and find out just how bad it is.
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