Good morning, blog followers. It has been a while since my last post, but I can tell you that I am still plowing along. The title to this blog says it all; I have been a little busy over the last few weeks and I am sure that a few of you can relate when you finally get to a point when you realize that you have biten off more than you can chew. Overwhelmed. Overcommitted. Overbooked.
What do you do when you have allowed life to take over and you find yourself with no time for the things that matter most -- family, health, ... life? You take a minute to breathe, mediate, and re-prioritize your time even if you have to upset a few people. Why? You only have one life to live. Take the time to do whatever it takes to get up, get out, and get moving. Nothing and I mean nothing is more important than your health.
I'm glad I took a week off to gain some clarity in various areas in my life. My health is very important to me. Now its time to trim the fat in my life and eliminate some of the activities that have prevented me from achieving my health goals. Until next time.
Send your nominations for doctor of the year
10 years ago
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