It seems like common sense that if you feed something that it grows. This is true for the body, mind and soul. For the last 2 months I forgot this truth. At this point of my journey I have allowed commitments in my life to sidetrack my weight loss journey. This has happened before. Sometimes the detour lasted a week, sometimes a month and sometimes the pity party never ended. It was because of this truth that I decided to do this blog. I think I represent alot of people who want to be healthy; who know they should eat better; who remember how good it felt to be in shape BUT just don't, can't or won't take the necessary actions to make it a reality. In the past my detour wasn't a public issue. Shame is a GREAT motivator. Let's be honest for a minute. If losing weight were easy, everyone would be slim and trim. If losing weight required little effort just thoughts, the weight loss industry would be put out of business TODAY.
Over the the past few weeks, my heart and head haven't been into writing this blog. I felt that the only people who were reading were the negative naysayers of society who got their jollies posting negative comments. Then I ran into a friend who happens to read this blog. Right there in the Walmart aisle, she feed me the positive words of encouragement I needed to hear. Thank you, Cheryl, for reminding me why I volunteered to do this blog. It wasn't for the notoriety. It wasn't for the money (contrary to popular belief). It was about sharing my journey (good and bad) with those who share my plight. Cheryl reminded me that positive people are reading and I need to stay true to the mission.
Thank you for that reminder.
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10 years ago
Remember the silent majority? Same with blogs. Most people don't post a comment that read it. The number one reason you should keep on keeping on is for "yourself". Find whatever the motivation is, shame, fear, fashion, sport, something to help you hang that "thing" out there as the carrot to dangle before you and keep at it. You can do it.
What bothers me about this blog, and the one of the other blogger who quit, is that there have been post after post about how to effectively lose weight. Almost none of these were hair-brained ideas but tried and true.
I mean, how many times have you been to a new gym and not followed-up? How many days a week are you vigorously exercising for 45 minutes? These are basic things.
Instead of following the fundamentals for successful weight loss, you have simply paid lip service to good ideas.
The concepts behind weight loss are simple - diet change, exercise, medical consultation, commitment, goal setting/resetting, accountability.
You have talked endlessly about life getting in the way of your goals. This is true for every single person out there, no matter what their goal is. You have to never forget that you are losing weight. If you are serious that means getting up 60 minutes earlier than normal to get your exercise. It means taking a lunch to work to avoid the fat foods. Every single morning I remind myself that I don't want to ever be heavy again. When the alarm goes off at 4:30 that is what gets me out of bed to hit the gym.
I wish you the best of luck but, at this point, it seems you are relying on luck.
Thank you both for your support and suggestions. No excuses, it is time to purge, delegate and reprioritize how I spend my time.
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