Brightly colored and full of obstacles, the funhouse is really an adrenaline rush for people of all ages. That's why I've decided to stop going to the gym and instead take a ride to the funhouse! Think of all the carnival novelties - the stairs to nowhere, the treadmill transportation, bouncy exercise orbs, and the wacky house of mirrors! The word gym has always brought up negative emotions for me, but everyone loves that nervous feeling of waiting to enter a funhouse and the adrenaline rush of bursting out red-faced and laughing. The freakishly shaped "Strongest Man in the World" can be seen groaning in the corner, and the sister to the bearded lady - totally fat free girl-woman - struts her smooth body around in spandex. There's the incessant gasps of the crowd as they are surprised by their unpredictable physical achievements, and the squeaks of the carnies as they focus their distorted perceptions on their flaws. The gym no longer exists to me - instead I'm headed to "The Pavilion of Fun."
I hear the many readers who feel my humorous approach to weight loss is destined to fail, but let's be honest - life without candy can be sour sometimes and what better way to avoid the hunger gripes then to laugh away fat? Health is serious, but getting healthy doesn't have to be a scolding Mother Hubbard! The images of me lying bed-ridden, popping pills in a nailed coffin at the age of 50 may be meant to motivate my focus toward the serious side of weight loss, but they are really Debbie Downer incentives. Believe me I do understand the severity of obesity - I recently watched my grandfather, a hilarious, strong, loving man literally waste away to nothing after having a stroke that kept him from speaking and properly swallowing for 9 months prior to his death. I've lived the insecurity and self-depreciating mentality of a woman who takes up too much space; I know what it is to be the only person sweating in the room. I get it and that's why I've been making life-long changes for good - reduced sugar intake, increased protein meals, and decreased carb dinners. I admit that I am still trying to figure out how to embed exercise between the folds of my life - but I have learned to pass on the Girl Scout Cookies (it is the Season of the Samoa after all!).
Exercising is invaluable, but getting up at 4 AM is not a sustainable lifestyle for everyone. I need my sleep to deal with the 90+ 9th graders that spend time each day needing a positive, patient educator in their daily lives; I take as long as needed to create interesting lessons, work on after school clubs and committees, and challenge my students to succeed in all areas of their lives. It's a treat to be able to watch "our shows" with my husband and have the time to read books that let me escape into wonderful, wild worlds beyond my reality. Daily responsibilities do result in sacrifices to our personal lives and health, but I don't see these things as excuses, I see them as important parts of who we are. Reader suggestions and comments allow me a peek into different ways of thinking and lifestyle choices; others give me ideas about new things to try. I admire those readers that are hard-core healthy living Gods in the same way that I enjoy knowing that other readers have similar struggles or found ways to overcome them and are willing to share.
I'm the first one to admit I can come up with an excuse for an excuse, but the thought of viewing this journey as a plodding pilgrimage to the Holy Temple of Health makes me want run for the chocolate-covered hills. I'm not enamored with "the serious side of weight loss" because I'm all-too-familiar with the fear, humiliation, disappointment, re-gain, and endless preaching that sometimes comes with a strict exercise and eating regime. Instead, I'm learning how to make lifestyle changes and exercise a realistic part of my daily life, not another demand that causes me to become so focused on success that I forget to enjoy it. I may be laughing my way through my missteps and ignorance, but whenever my body does give out, I will have lived in it. I had a lot of fun getting to my current weight and even though some may disagree, I'm going to have a lot of fun getting rid of it. A positive outlook, strong belief system, thirst for knowledge, and fun-loving spirit has gotten me through lots of disappointments, sadness, and bad choices - why should I give that up now that I am in for positive changes?
There are many fit, healthy people that need soul makeovers and many fat, happy people that need to get realistic about their health. Much like the "food in moderation" advice, there has to be a happy medium to healthy living. My grandfather laughed and smiled until his last breath - I will most definitely continue to live that philosophy as I huff and puff at the gym...err, funhouse. Besides, who wants to read about all the stuff I already know and am succeeding in doing, when the learning\trying new things part is so much fun!?
Send your nominations for doctor of the year
10 years ago
I honestly think that people fail to lose weight because they don't come up with something that works for them. You have got to reduce your calories in a way that makes YOU satisfied. Not in a way that worked for your neighbor or your third cousin. With exercise- it is so critical to do what works for you. There are healthy bodies that walk, run, do yoga, dance, lift weights. Running 10 miles at 4am is not the only way.
You just need to keep trying and you will find something that works. Just don't give up because low carb and 4 am runs did not work for you. If it doesn't work? Count calories and sign up for Zumba. That doesn't work? Eat vegan and try Yoga. Just don't quit!
You can do it!
Thank you. So many of "us" can relate to your words, and the humor knocks off the edge of the pain just a bit, not at all the severity we know exists. You are an inspiration to those of us who want to make a change, and try, sometimes successfully, other times not. We all didn't get in line at the fat factory and gain our weight the same, so obviously we won't lose it the same way either. Unless you’ve been in “our” skin, you really don’t know how or what it’s like. This could be our biggest challenge, our one and only cross to bear so there does need to be just a little more understanding from those that find maintaining an amazing BMI second nature. I do hope your students and their parents realize what a treasure they have in you. Keep up the good work.
The soul makeovers comment was just priceless; just get ready to hear from the self-righteous fitties that will take great offense to that!!! If the shoe fits…
Eloquently said.
I also hope your students are taking advantage of your obvious love of written expression.
I laughed out loud at your blog.
You are giving up the gym. You are unwilling to give up watching TV with your husband. You are unwilling to get up early and blame that on your job and students. News flash - your blog reads as someone who has officially given up on weight loss.
Did you expect it to be easy or without serious sacrifice? Every single healthy weight person out there has the exact same challenges as you do but makes health and fitness a priority. It's really that simple.
You have blogged for weeks now but have failed to present a workout plan, a nutrition plan. Did you have a physical prior to beginning or consult with a trainer? I really question your sincerity in this quest. The things you aren't doing are the absolute basics of weight loss - the building blocks for success.
Do you want to lose weight or do you just want to blog about it? I've known a lot of people who have lost weight and none do it with cutesy little blogs. It requires a dedication. Get real.
Have you ever considered obsessing about something other than food in your quest to lose weight?
Not trying to defend the blogger, but maybe the haters can't understand how she's keeping it "real." In the end, being a skinny minnie isn't her ultimate goal if it costs her the normalcy of everyday life. Quality time with her husband is just as important to her as someone’s daily jog or hours in the gym. Looking in his eyes feels just as good to her as one staring in the mirror and taking facebook profile pics to brag about their physique. For her to be her best doesn’t require her to be thin or lean or ripped it’s maintaining balance in her daily life. I do not read that she is blaming her job or the students she teaches; she is merely giving her take and detailing her private battles within her own life and the obstacles she is facing while trying to reconcile the idea of dedicating hours to exercise on her quest towards sustained weight loss. Yes haters, this takes more than just formal exercise. She could take the easier way out, pop pills, starve herself, do those hormone drops and a 500 cal diet, but where does that lead her? I firmly believe that this individual is beautiful inside and out, just some people can't get over the fact that she is overweight. Too many people are quick to judge, and cast stones, and label each and everyone that doesn't perfectly fit in their ideals or their image of what people should do in their lives or look like. I do not believe that the blogger is jockeying for attention, she is actually very brave to put herself out there and endure the bashing that she gets on a daily basis. She strikes me as a strong woman, her strengths may not be in the gym or for the moment or in the past portion control, but there are far worse issues that plague mankind. Stay strong Melissa, for every one person that has disdain for you and your struggles, you have ten that got your back…
I'm sorry, the above post is absurd. If the blogger wants to lose the huge amount of weight then she cannot continue the "normalcy" of her current everyday life. That is the exact opposite of keeping it real.
There is no shortcut to weight loss. The blogger needs to completely and totally change her life and lifestyle choices to achieve her goal. Hanging onto things that are unhealthy and making excuses need to be the first things that get jettisoned.
Neither the blogger or the above poster seem to understand the realities of the undertaking that is being considered. It is not easy. It is hard, life altering work. Sugar coating by holding onto everything she likes and abandoning everything that works WILL NOT WORK.
It's time for her to get real about this or stop blogging. Right now it is simply a cute blog about a fat woman and her excuses. When it becomes a serious weight loss endeavor then it will be meaningful.
Testy...seems someone missed their jog today or are the performance enhancing drugs kicking in? Seriously though, there isn't one tried and true method other than calorie intake being less than what is burned. I am not saying she needs to eat a pint of ice cream while watching TV with her hubby, that would be foolish. But getting up super early and being tired/cranky all day isn’t wise either. Sleep is just as important to weight loss as anything else. I am sure you are a learned individual with a body that's a shrine, and uppers can only go so far, so even you will appreciate and agree that sleep is quite important! Someone as mean and name calling as yourself should at least say "hey, if she is sleeping, she isn't eating" and see the pluses of valuable sleep. Some people really do believe that if you are overweight, you must be eating 24/7 and are slow, a slob and have no value to society other than being the fat butt of a joke. Yes, she may be "fat" (sorry for saying that, I hate using that word) but clearly your IQ seems to be even lower than your glorious BMI. Remember, there are plenty of fab bods that drop dead just like flab bods...happy exercising!
I like that your weight loss goals are realistic and you're allowing room for relationships, sleep, and joy in your life. I always love the idiots who write in and claim they're up at 4, exercising daily, never letting a carb pass their lips, etc. Those people are either a) liars
or c) have only been getting up early, exercising, and dieting for two days.
Keep up the good work and let the haters hate.
Your continued posts on weight loss and fitness are 100% wrong and you should not keep posting.
There is a tried and true method and it is the one method that works - diet and exercise, period, end of story.
Rest and recovery are important elements of a fitness program. Again, it's a matter of priority. If she wants to get serious about weight loss, major lifestyle modifications must be made. An hour on the couch with hubby is an hour wasted if that is the one free hour a day.
And, you obviously have done no research on exercise. Regular daily exercise has just the opposite impact than what you stated - tired and cranky. In fact, people who exercise regularly have been proven to be less tired and have better mental health. It's one of many side benefits of being fit and exercising.
Sleep is important but if you change your priorities, make a plan, and stick to it, you are much more likely to have success.
Then, you ramble about fab bods drop dead like flab bods. That is patently untrue. Look at the stats on obesity and mortality versus those with a healthy or even a slightly overweight BMI. The stats are staggering.
You must stop posting on weight loss because your opinions are not supported by any medical or scientific research.
Ms. Biondi has obviously never been part of an organized fitness group, of which there are hundreds in Charlotte. I have been training at 5 am for 15 years with a great group of people from all walks of life. Training with a group is another of the known ways to succeed with fitness as it builds in accountability.
Another poster who thinks they know about weight loss but clearly doesn't.
The anonymous poster that seems to have all the knowhow and is the ultimate resource of weight loss tips strikes me as either one of two types of people. This is either someone that never had to deal with obesity, whether on the playground among the bullies or as a teen unable to get a date or adult who still gets stared at for their weight. That one I can forgive, because it takes true empathy to be able to sincerely place yourself in one’s shoes so it’s easy to pass judgment. Or God forbid this is an ex-fatty, whose entire focus is his/her body image, and it burns him/her that someone could lose weight and still live life business as usual with just minor tweaks. Shame on you if you are the latter! I have done it all, been fat from the cradle, popped diet pills, starved myself, was an avid runner, but you know what? Life happens, injuries happen, accidents happen, and for some people things cannot be sustained forever. So right now I sit here and type as an overweight individual, and I have my good days and bad days, but never do I chastise someone for trying what works for them. No one is talking about wishing the lbs away; but it does start with eating right! Maybe we have a different take on exercise, maybe it’s the way the blogger is delivering her message that has you confused. We did not gain our weight overnight, and it is a long process of healing and trial and error before we can find what works for us. To some, food tastes good and it is a pleasure and not just a necessity for survival, and we over indulge ourselves and yes, that has to stop, but to tell someone they are wasting their time, or try to censor someone’s opinion is quite tacky on your part. Do you merely engage in sexual relations to breed? I do hope Melissa achieves her goal, and many years down the road she finds herself with only a few lbs of fluctuation that can happen when one lives their lives without their body image as their only goal. I do hope that Mr./Mrs./Ms. Anonymous takes this much pride and joy in his/her integrity and other aspects of life, and does good by others as well, but then again, God forbid it interferes with the routine…
Continue to make excuses, continue to be fat.
I have seen no evidence of trying in this blog. What I have seen are a number of excuses for why she won't exercise and won't change her lifestyle.
There has to be an acknowledgement up front that to lose weight (especially this massive amount) you have to make massive lifestyle changes. It's all well and good to slap someone on the back but eventually the rubber has to meet the road.
If this blogger were serious her posts would be about the hard and challenging choices she is making, not about sitting on the couch with her husband, or Girl Scout Cookies. You can tell when someone is serious about weight loss because their focus gets serious.
I'm tired of the mollycoddling we are doing in society about obesity. It's a horrible terrible epidemic with sickening consequences.
And, no, I'm not in either class of folks you mention. In fact, none of my training partners are in either class.
Stop making excuses!
Ah, hurts to be put in a group doesn't it? This isn't about "mollycoddling" (thank you for the new word by the way, maybe your IQ is a bit higher and I underestimated you :) ) There are too many factors in our society that make the war on fat hard to tackle, but it starts with one, and what one puts in his/her mouth. You cannot judge what someone's hard and challenging choices are, to her it may be the cookies or sitting on the couch with hubby, who are you to dismiss what feelings or emotions someone is dealing with. You clearly put a premium on fitness, God bless you for it, (don't mind the God references right?) and I would never tell you to stop or come on, eat another cookie or 12, you do you and if you are happy that is all that matters. I am not anti-fit, but I also could never be anti-fat. There are more circumstances other than the simplistic answer of overeating and under activity. If you go home and eat a bucket of chicken and drink a couple of two liters, yeah, I think you need psychological help to undergo weight loss, but sometimes the smallest of portions still pack the highest percentage of calories. Refute that? Melissa uses humor and wit and all the qualities that make her quite the beautiful woman she is and when she achieves her goal (and yes, it may take the gym, but it’s her choice) I will applaud from a distance and say way to go!
Let me guess, you'd prefer this as her blog:
Got up at 4 am, jogged 10 miles, had egg whites on egg whites...then if she were to talk about how sore she was, the haters would be like "no pain no gain fatty.” The honest truth is that people are brutal to one another and whether or not you truly are supportive is really irrelevant; it’s about the zingers and trying to dictate to people how to live their lives. You are happy living your life but the way you remark about a complete stranger begs the question, are you comfortable in your tight and toned skin. And you don’t have to answer that to the blogosphere, just to yourself, but I am sure you are very in tuned with all of your feelings and your choices that suit you.
You speak of being brutal, which is ironic. The blogger needs to be brutally honest with herself.
You are so hung up on calling me a hater. But, the simple truth is for her to lose weight she needs straight talk. She needs to see a nutritionist, her doctor and a trainer. This is someone who is morbidly obese, which means that major lifestyle changes must be made.
So far, she has posted nothing about those changes. Paying lipservice to weight loss doesn't drive the pounds down.
Can she do it, yes. Can she do it based on what she posted so far, no way in heck.
The life of a 50-70 year old obese individual is horrible. If she could only look into her future.
What a great idea to give the gym a much more favorable title! I can even see myself rolling my eyes at having to go to the gym when I may not be completely excited about it. But the funhouse.. yeah, lets go... and eventually we'll also go on the rollercoasters too!!
Just because you don't list your exercises and the number of sets and reps you do in your blog doesn't make me think you aren't exercising. I don't know why others think that.
I continue to enjoy your blogs and know you are determined to get this goal behind you.
OMG Anonymous... YES she's been to a nutritionist... she stated that in one of her first blogs... Quit being so dang critical. Laughter is the best medicine.. maybe you should take some.
Actually, she said this:
I get two visits with a nutritionist via my health care program and I plan on using them.
Laughter won't help you lose weight.
Less hate. More encouragement and specific ideas that would help would be a great addition from ALL of the trollers - I mean haters out there.
Fun is the adrenline that keeps you coming back for more, even if its to do something like working out.
Real talk, it takes more than the conventional to lose weight...I speak from experience, and live it. What's the use in rushing just to be overwhelmed and giving up? Do the sustainable, start slow, and as the lbs drop, maybe the motivation to do more is increased. You strike me as someone that would beat your child to death with a book and force them to just read more or study more if he/she didn't get good grades. It takes more than just what seems "right" on paper. Weight gain and loss is an individual process and we are merely spectators to others' struggles unless we make a choice to be active participants and offer assistance. I choose to pat on her on the back, and try to verbally motivate her, not with the "straight talk" of threats. We know what its like, we know what awaits us if we don't make better choices, but there isn't one recipe for success that fits everyone. In a world that embraces different school of thoughts, why not allow this to take place in the realm of weight loss?
I think most people missed the point of this post entirely! She didn't say she wasn't going to the gym, just that she wasn't going to call it the gym anymore - now it's "the funhouse" and she's finding new ways to look at her surroundings and find humor and joy in even the most mundane aspects of everyday life. For someone who didn't grow up in a gym, that's probably the best way to approach it. Having lost 50 pounds myself last year, I would never have been able to do it starting off running 10 miles - still can't in fact. But some concrete things that I do to make sure to exercise every day - I definitely don't cook every day - batch cook your own "lean cuisines" on the weekend and pull them out of the freezer as you need to. DVR your favorite shows and watch them when you have time, like a weekend night instead of movie night. Pack your gym bag and a snack the night before and don't even think about going home before hitting the gym - the couch is just too tempting! Sign up for a class where you'll be missed if you don't show up - try something new and fun while you're at it - salsa dance class? Why not? Or sign up for a 5K - there's no rule that you have to run the whole time, or even at all, but the goal will motivate you to get your workouts in! We are making fitness a family event, our son is taking tae kwon do class at the Y and we go and work out in the meantime. Exercise does have to become your entertainment, the mindset does need to change. It is certainly not easy, but there are so many fun, funny, and interesting people to watch, interact with, compete with, and become friends with along the way as well as new goals to set for yourself! It is worth it, you are worth it!
Ok, so now I beat my kids because I have strong and medically supported opinions on weight loss. You, on the other hand, have admitted to being fat and not able to lose weight. I am fit, you are fat. I don't beat my kids and you call me a hater. I know about fitness and weight loss and the only way to get serious about weight loss is to get down and dirty and take the steps necessary. You clearly haven't done that yet feel compelled to dole out horrible advice.
I'm not a touchy feely person when it comes to fitness and weight management. If you need hugs, go that direction. But, you lack direction in your plan now.
My friend, I am one of the outliers that is fat and fit, and oh so comfy in my skin. I don't judge or make others that don't make my choices feel negative about themselves. I am just as proud and have a high self esteem as I am sure you do, I just don't define myself by the lbs on the scale or what I see in the mirror...My advice comes from someone that has lived both the highs and lows of weight loss so my advice may not fit your perception or what fits your lifestyle or ideals, but eating less calories than you consume doesn't seem too far fetched right Mr/Ms wonderful?
I think we all need to understand that we all don't approach things in the same manner. The blogger has never said that she is not interested in losing weight. She has said that she is approaching the weight loss in a manner that she is able to deal with. I think we should all give her time to understand herself and her approach to losing weight. I have heard her say that she has passed up on the wrong foods, and has gone to the gym and taken walks. To me, she speaks for many people who are trying to understand what they are capable of and doing it. Encouragement goes a long way.
Gina M.
Fat and fit is a total myth. If you are fit, you aren't fat.
I bet your resting HR is higher than someone of the same weight. I bet you bp, cholesterol, body fat percentage is also much worse than a correct weight person.
Now before you tell me about NFL players, I'm talking about the other 99.9999% of Americans.
I always laugh when I hear fat and fit because it is such a cop out and a lie.
As a newcomer to this blog, I would like to comment on "fat and fit." The overriding problem with "fat and fit" is that it is unsupported by real world experiences. If you go to any local adult sporting event (triathlons, running races, swim events, soccer, football, basketball, etc) the winning athletes and the front runners are not fat. You will find many heavier participants, usually DFL.
The other problem with the fat and fit urban legend is that people who claim it cannot point to any objective tests that support the fitness. This is opposed to actual fit people who pass fitness test and have lab work showing healthy levels. Being able to walk ten miles even though you are fat does not make you fit.
Hmmm, I could call you a pompous ass, but then again I would be stooping to your level. How dare you question me about my health and what I claim? Unless you have access to my medical records you are the one that is full of crap. So someone says they are overweight and of course he is one m&m away from a heart attack. Yeah, I really am 800 lbs typing away as I play world of warcraft as I sweat over my plate of nachos! Get a life dude/dudette and realize that you are not the end all be all of weight loss and have the key on how to live one's life. Do overweight people have zero credibility when it comes to the truth? Grow up...
You were the one who claimed to be fat and fit. Put up or shut up. How fast can you run a mile? How many push-ups can you do? What is your resting HR? These are basic components of fitness. You won't back up your claims. I think you know absolutely nothing about fitness or weight loss and the fact that you won't provide any empirical data to support your claims proves this. That and the fact you lash out instead of keeping on the subject of weight loss and fitness.
Fat and fit, ha, right, sure.
So only winners and front runners are fit? Did I miss something?
Apparently I hit a nerve and you are caught up in stats and trying to measure up...interesting. I may not rank up the charts on a foot race, but that doesn't mean I am destined for an early deathbed. There is always someone more fit than the next, just as some that will always be smarter, more attractive, wittier, etc...
Good night fellow posters...I've been shamed to go workout ;) I got to be sure I can do enough push ups!
So, you can't support your fitness claims. Therefore, I suspect you can only support your fatness claims.
FYI - running and push-ups are consistently yardstick basic measurements of adult fitness. The fact that you don't know this further proves my point.
Awww honey god love you for trying to keep your sense of humor, and for telling the truth about your struggles. Some of your readers may hate you for being honest in the fact that you struggle with this day to day, but the rest of us love you for it. You freely admit to making excuses, but you also are trying to work that out. Try and keep the faith in your own determination. Also a suggestion you might consider, I know you mention the need to spend time with your husband, or read a book to escape etc. Well maybe try combining those activities. Get a book on tape and listen while walking on the treadmill, or drag your hubby to go play some disc golf or something similar. Is it a heavy cardio workout no, but you get quality time and you are moving. It's all a start in the right direction!!
I've been exposed. Yes fellow posters, I am a fat person. The worse kind of human being possible. I'm so fat that I claim my extra chins as dependants...I've immediately began Mr. Wonderful's fitness techniques and I am subscribing to all the runner's world, muscle & fitness magazines and am going straight vegan! In an effort to be more like Mr. Wonderful, I've also began working on a receding hairline, bad skin and the occasional PE/ED. I will also be a bore that is one dimensional and can only relate to "my kind." Maybe if I become his clone, then just maybe I can earn the respect of this stranger. See, I am someone that needs affirmation from the crowd, and cannot stand if every ounce of me isn't perfect...So I will abandon what has been working for me, eating better, parking further when I go shopping, avoiding elevators, taking a brisk walk in the evening to enjoy a sunset, and I will just start pounding this fat body to the pavement. Oh yes, I will have my trim spa baby moment asap! Thank you, thank you, thank you for opening my eyes after so many futile decades and showing me the light. I think you should write a book and help others like myself who are lost causes!
Nah...I'll rather have my cake and eat it too, just sensible portions!
Let's think about the people posting comments for you:
Fit people being supportive (great!)
Unfit people getting inspiration (wonderful!)
Personal Supporters (go Melis!)
Fit people being negative (?)
These posters sound like they create the rules and regulations of being 'healthy and thin,' and are upset that someone is not following their rules. It almost sounds like they are scared of someone having fun, and being lighthearted about something that they might just find to be difficult, but can't admit.
Imagine yourself being unable to walk down the aisle at your kids' weddings or being so overweight you are ashamed to be photographed or have joints so broken down you can't play with your grandkids. Now, think of those things the next time you are tempted to sit on the couch or eat chips.
I know it's tough talk but no bag of chips is worth what you will forfeit due to excessive weight.
If you are unwilling to give up tv time with your husband, why not tackle exercising together. My husband and I hate the thought of giving up our time together because there seems to be so little of it, so we love taking walks together in the evening. It gets us both moving and we don't have to give up our time together.
Diet changes alone aren't going to get you to healthy.
How about an Xbox Kinect, or a Wii? These are two ways to be active and have fun! Weight loss in itself is tough so why not have fun? Have preset snacks ready for the taking if you step out and go shopping. It is too easy to hit the drive thru, though there are healthy alternatives there as well. Keep a food diary, sometimes writing down how much we actually eat and what we eat helps us see the big picture. It is hard to imagine to some, but yes, overweight people know what and when they are doing what they know they shouldn't be, but it's a difficult transition to a healthier lifestyle with wiser choices. Life is about choices, so chips and couch or treadmill and veggies the more we make the right ones, the better off we'll be, but never say "never" about the former, we know that doesn't work and last forever...Just like a budget, it's okay to splurge once in a while, just make sure they are few and far between and understand that the more bad days we have, the harder the battle can be. Stay positive, stay smiling, and get plenty of hugs!
There are some simple things you can do to jump start.
First, go through your pantry. Throw out all snacks. They serve no purpose and are loaded with calories.
Second, cut out all soda and fruit juices and sweet tea. Both are packed with empty calories.
Third, stop all fast food immediately. There is nothing good about any fast food.
Next, do not eat within 3 hours of bed.
Lastly, take a look at what you put on your food. Cheese, salad dressing, etc all add up and add up quickly. Sour cream? Ditch that stuff completely. There are many zero calorie condiments you can sub in.
I'm so fat, when I put on my Malcom-X t-shirt, a helicopter tried to land on me.
Remember Melissa, ligneous and hypabyssal missiles have the potential to fracture your osseous structure, but appellations will forever remain innocuous.
@ Cory...too funny! And too true...
How about this? If you don't like what the blogger has to say - stoop reading it! Find something/someone else to berate - PLEASE!!!!! I HATE going to the gym just as much as the next person and yeh, sometimes I abstain........ but that doesn't make me some second class citizen. Weight loss and healthy living is important - but a healthy mind is MORE important. And if laughter leads Melissa to her 'funhouse' aka weight loss/healthy living - have at it! Let the rest of us ENJOY her posts. (then again my pulse RACING as I type this - whew hooo - I MUST be burning a calorie or two)
Melissa - keep up your head up and keep the blogs coming.
Beth D.
a few typos in that last comment/post (mine). See - racing pulse isn't ALWAYS a good thing - I can't even think straight I'm so appalled by some of the comments on here.
Beth D.
Ditto what Beth said, if you don't like her blog, stop reading. Seriously, what is it to you if she goes to the "funhouse" or spends time with her husband? Furthermore, I truly hope that if you haters ever encounter any sort of adversity or challenge in your life, that you are surrounded by people more loving and supportive than you demonstrate on this message board. I wouldn't wish this sort of hate and negativity on my worst enemy. Your glass houses sure must be pretty.......
Love ya, Miss!
Molly N
Good Golly Miss Molly...and kudos to you too Beth! Score one for the "lovers" (opposite of haters?)
This reminds me of folks who think that the only smarts worth attaining come from institutions of higher learning. There are some things that need to be learned that aren't written in books or opinions spewed by overpaid scholars. Real life, real talk is more than merely science, because it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to get results, its finding something YOU are able to stick with and doing just that!
I have to agree with Molly and Beth- And to all you haters out there- you have proven Melissa's point. You must be miserable in your lives to have to get so caught up in putting other peoples ideas down. I am pretty sure the saying is "Live LAUGH Love...." Keep up the good work Miss! Regardless of what other people say you are an inspiration to all that love and care about you!
Love and Light!
Your CO BFF!
DVR your shows and watch them at diner. Take your book to the gym, I see people reading on elliptical/ treadmill all the time. You will also have alot more meaningful time with the hubby on a long walk than sitting in front of the tube. You need to make changes if you really want this to work. Every day doesn't have to change, just some days. Take a 30 min walk at lunch then 20 mins lifting weights at the gym after work. Before long those shows will seem less important. Ease into it. Take two weeks of going through the motions to get your body use to working out, then up the intensity. If you start straight out full blast 10 mile walks and what not, you're going to get sick of exercise. It really is a fun thing to do, just not at first. Baby steps...
Melissa, I LOVE your writing style, and your positive outlook. I know that you are exercising and watching what you are eating. Keep it up :)
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