Yesterday, I took the plunge and finally did the annual physical. Just as I had predicted, the first phase of the physical was the ominous walk to the hallway scale. I described this scale in yesterday's post.
For the first time in years, I did not grimace as I faced the monstrous device. Militantly, I chose not to empty my pockets. The scale smirked as I put one foot and then the other onto its tray. It had figured that I had made a very calculated mistake with the pockets. But to both of our surprise, I lost weight -- 4 whole pounds to be exact! Remember my goal is to lose 36 pounds by October 7th. Since New Year's I have lost 9 pounds so I have 27 pounds to go!
I felt like taking a victory lap around the doctor's office in celebration, but didn't. Maybe next time.
I was still in the glow of my win when the second phase of the physical began, the talk while in the fabric-challenged gown. While listening to my doctor talk, I only wished I had taken my friend, Jamie's advice. Bring and wear my own housecoat. Now that would have been much more comfortable. But I digress.
My doctor reinforced the need for me to do the mammogram and the dreaded colonoscopy. I confessed my sins and promised that I would do better. I will of course, because I now know that she will read this blog. (Just kidding, Dr. Taylor). There were some parts of this physical that only she, the nurse and God should know about. Sorry, not blog material.
The third phase of the physical -- bloodwork -- was postponed. Ohhhhhhh...... It seems I needed to fast. That will take place later in the week.
I was prepared for the three phases noted above and the gruesome tests associated with each phase. I was not prepared for the waist circumference test where the nurse took my waist measurement to determine my risk level for heart disease. I won't tell you the result, but let's just say that my brick house has turned into a block house. My number puts me in the high risk level for developing heart disease.
But not to worry, I have found an energetic walking partner at work who makes the stroll around Charlotte much more enjoyable. During our walks, I have come up with ideas for future blogs and Toastmaster speeches. She is even challenging me to try Zumba and Hip Hop Dance. This ought to be funny. Thanks, Andrea for inspiring me to get up, get moving and get it done!
Congratulations to my friend and fellow Toastmaster, Cayce, for completing the Myrtle Beach Bi-Lo marathon this past weekend.
My physical (at least two phases of it) turned out to be less of a problem than I had thought. It is important to know where you are before starting on any journey -- especially one involving exercise and serious weight loss. Think about it!
Send your nominations for doctor of the year
10 years ago
That's my sister! Keep it going.
That is awesome! 9 lbs since January! Wow. Your sharing your story with others is a gift. Keep GOING. Hey, if your home scale is different than the doctor's office, don't get down! Use the doc's weight and add or delete lbs based on that scale! CHEERS!
I am so proud of you! Nine pounds is awesome!
If you are looking to try Zumba, check out Your first class is free if you print out the coupon on the website. I work for this dance company and love it. They offer a variety of dance fitness classes, not just Zumba. It doesn't even feel like a workout, it's a party! I can personally attest to the effects it's had on my body and promise you a great time if you come to one of the classes. Check out the website for a full list of classes and the first time free coupon. They have classes at various rec centers, gyms and other businesses. Good luck to you!
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