Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lost? Use Your Weight GPS

First things, first. I want to give ya'll a praise report.

20 POUNDS LOST! Nope, not me. On Tuesday my daughter, Brittany, learned from her doctor that she has reached a milestone -- she has lost her first 20 pounds.

You should have seen the smiles: Brittany's, the doctor, the nurses. Their smiles were contagious and will forever be branded in my memory. I walked out of there with my sunglasses on. What a way to jump start my game!

Brittany is making great strides, but losing weight and making healthier choices isn't easy. Thanks to the information age, we are bombarded with information on nutrition, on exercise, and overall health. For those who have no personal experience with weight issues, the solution seems so easy. Eat less; work out more.

Its not that simple. We all have our own particular reasons, explanations, and excuses on how we arrived at our current physical state. If you are like me, you probably put the family, the job, the friends, EVERYTHING ELSE in front of your needs. It happens, but you don't have to stay in this state. Take time to find your way back on the healthy living highway. Me, I've been lost for so long that I have decided to use a Weight GPS to help me get back on track.

Goals -- I have dreamed of losing weight for a long time. I have made resolutions in the past. What's different this year? I am making my goal, public for all of you to see, critique and to privately analyze. Goals should be SMART.
  • Specific - Healthier living. Get up. Get moving.
  • Measureable - Lose 36 pounds by October 5th.
  • Achievable - 1 pound per week. Very reasonable.
  • Realistic -- Yes
  • Timely -- Daughter's surgery preparation and my 25th college reunion
Plan -- How will I achieve my SMART goals? I will achieve my goals by creating and following a plan.
  1. Before I start a strenuous exercise plan, I will have a physical done. My physical is scheduled for February 23rd. Hopefully my finger will be fully healed.
  2. I will talk with one or two nutrionists to unlearn my bad habits and to better understand how to properly read food labels (food companies can be very sneaky). I will get help with meal planning and will eat out less.
  3. I will get help creating my initial exercise plan routine. I will start with the YMCA donated training sessions and will explore other options that are presented to me. I will plan time for exercise at least 3 - 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes each. Contingency planning!
  4. I will take a few healthy cooking lessons. I will try at least one new recipe each week from cooking magazines, the internet or from EASY to cook recipes from you, the readers. Note I did say, EASY. Feel free to share your skills!
  5. I will celebrate the small successes along the way and will share what I learn in my journey with you.
Support -- I know that I can't do this on my own. I need help. At times, I will need a Bahaman intervention, a gentle nudge, or a firm kick from Terry and Cayce. I am a very blessed individual.
  • I have a great medical support team to support me and Brittany.
  • I have great support from my friends and family here in Charlotte and around the globe. I have a great support team in my two Toastmasters clubs. All, I am looking a few walking partners at work (hint, hint) to get me moving.
  • I am blessed to work for an organization that is strongly encouraging healthy living.
There is nothing wrong with being lost. We have all been lost at some time. Staying lost when you have other alternatives is another thing. If you are like me, overweight, grab your own GPS and recalculate your route. Send me your comments and ideas for supports.
Great job Brittany, congratulations. Love ya and am so proud of you!


Cayce said...

GO BRITTANY!! And GO NANCY!! Your determination to take control and lose weight is inspiring.

I love your goals (even if the SMART acronym made me cringe - you know what I mean). They're very realistic, well laid out and attainable.

I will be MORE than happy to share some recipes with you that taste fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Fantatic news and wow, what a great post! You can do it!!!