Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tips needed! How do you get out of your rut?

In an earlier post, I wrote about my Weight GPS. What a novel idea, an invention that could get me back on track when I make a slight detour off course! I realize that there are some of you who have never strayed off course when you were losing weight. I wish I had your discipline. Unfortunately, I do not but I am learning and that is part of the process. Right? What I don't have in discipline, I do have in a fierce determination to win this fight regardless of the number of stumbles or falls.

No, I haven't gained weight, but I am in a rut -- no gain, but no real loss either. Just as a real GPS would say "Calculating Route", I have found myself needing to calculate a new route to my weight loss journey. My weight loss goal has changed. My initial weight loss goal was 36 pounds for the year. Since I've already lost 21 pounds, I've decided to increase my annual goal to 50 pounds; another 20 pounds by August 15th. This new goal is going to require a more disciplined approach -- a more defined plan.

This week I am starting a more comprehensive program at the YMCA that encompasses nutrition and exercise. This program will supplement what I am learning in Weight Watchers with more accountability in the exercise part of this weight loss journey.

Each of us has a different approaches to weight loss -- in diet and in exercise. There is no perfect solution for weight loss. It doesn't make a difference how we do it. What is important is that we must first make up our mind that change is necessary and then take the small steps necessary to change our path in the right direction. I'm looking for tips. What have you done to get out of your rut?

Until next Monday remember to share your knowledge. Please save the sarcasm; the world has more than it needs.

Nancy Johnson


Nancy J said...

Good morning all. I'm looking for some ideas on creative workouts. I've heard about a small gym that uses a pole. I'm not ready for that but would love to hear the fun ways you work out. Thank you in advance for sharing your ideas.

Anonymous said...

As if I didnt already write too much. Creative workout if yiu are motivated by music. Put your iPod on with a great group of high energy, dancing songs. Turn up the volume, go into a room where no one will see you and DANCE until you are out of breath. Go until you are really huffing and puffin. Only stop if you have to and if you stop, walk in a circle just until you get your breath back and your heart rate comes down a bit - then, girlfriend - start dancing again. Do this for 45 minutes and you'll be drenched and you will feel amazing. You can even out on lower BPM (beats per minute) songs but then you have to do something like squats, puppet squats, high knee lifts or stairs to keep your heart rate up. Enjoy!

Matt W said...

A Weight GPS? I like it. How about a Life GPS too?

Going to the Y will give a new variety of ways to exercise. Try some Yoga, use exercise bikes, stair climber, and elliptical.

Anonymous said...

Set small periodic goals involving fitness or weight loss when in a rut. It can get overwhelming looking at the big picture but if you chop it up, it becomes manageable.

For instance, get on the elliptical and tell yourself that in two weeks you will be able to go 8 minutes longer per day or X miles longer per session and work towards that goal. Or, work at a higher intensity for longer. Doing that will probably help you lose weight.

Your body adjusts to your new size so you have to up the intensity of what you are doing.

Anonymous said...

I'm currently in a rut myself, so I'm trying to switch up my routine.. my plan is to try something new out of my comfort zone. Who knows, maybe I'll like it. If not, maybe it will motivate me to get re-excited about my usual work out. Good luck busting out of your rut!!

Just Jackie said...

Zumba!!! When the day seems entirely too long and my weight just hasn't seemed to move, I remember my fun workout waiting for me at home. I LOVE Zumba, I can't afford a fancy gym membership right now, so doing Zumba on the Wii for 45 minutes a day is a blast. You are drenched in sweat and having fun too! The nice thing is that you can set it to the level that you are at and work up from there. I LOVE it!