The next month is shaping up to be a challenge to my will power and making a point to exercise and diet. During the next month I will be driving a car or riding a motorcycle from NC to Fla back to NC to Pa and back to Fla and back once more to NC. Also will be meeting my son who is active duty military on our motorcycles for a weekend of riding in the mountains. Another trip to DC area will fall into that time frame also. All total my miles driven or riding will be approximately 5,000 miles. A lot of time sitting. A lot of family events to tempt one to eat and drink and be merry. Due to my broke toe related foot problems, I will postpone my fun run 5k until later into the summer to make sure I don't really screw up my foot by jogging too much too soon on an injury.
A lot of you guys out there will be going on trips or vacations during the summer. Have fun. If you are overweight though, try your best to exercise some and eat smart during your fun activities.
Now get out there and go for a nice hot walk.
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