Wednesday, June 1, 2011

All Dewed Out

Am I the only one with time management issues?  I don't know about you, but if a genie were to magically appear with three wishes, I would use at least one of the wishes on two clones -- one for home and one for work.  Wouldn't that be sweet?

I know.  I know.  This is a weight loss blog.  Some of you want to hear what I have done and how much weight I have lost or gained.  Others may want to hear about my exercise program.  You probably would love to hear that I have gone on a secret food binge.  Here it is.  I have not gone on a food binge.  I have successfully lost half of my weight loss goal by working primarily on the food side of the weight loss equation -- watching what I eat and how much I eat.  I don't know my weight loss to-date. Last week my Weight Watchers meeting was cancelled, so at noon today I will be once again glaring at my friend the scale.  I will make my report tomorrow, I promise. 

Exercise is the other side of the equation.  Exercise is crucial for long term weight loss success.  I remember the pure burst of energy I had after a good exercise routine.  I know how important exercise is to my success and I remember how good it made me feel.  So why haven't I become more aggressive in my exercise?  (Before the anonymous know-it-alls arch their hands and start typing, I KNOW I NEED TO GET BUSY) Four simple but gut wrenching words -- I am OVER COMMITTED.   Really, days like yesterday made me realize that I have bitten off more than I can chew. If it weren't for the occasional energy boost from the 20 ounce diet soda, most days I would not make it past 2pm. 

I didn't realize how bad my addiction was until last week.  During a discussion with my daughter, she challenged me to give up the green bottle.  I know that sodas, even diet ones -- are not good for you.  I know that real energy shouldn't come in a bottle, but the thought of giving up my "daily fix" really gave me the shakes.  But I love a good challenge, so in June I will correct my over-committed schedule by purging some extracurricular activities to make time for "real" exercise.  The only way that I can give up the "bottle" is by awakening my natural endorphins by exercising and exercising hard.  Until tomorrow.

Nancy Johnson


John Thomas said...

So much hatefulness in your posts. I think I'm going to stop reading yours as well and only read Dan's moving forward. Best of luck to you, Nancy, and try to remain upbeat and positive.

brian y said...

I'm like you Nancy - I've been told that sodas are bad for you, but I like the flavor and carbonation. The yellow ones (I'm Diet Sundrop over Diet Dew) are probably the worst. I switched to straight up generic carbonated water. It's cool, there are no chemicals to speak of, and the bubbles are still there to help curb my stomach cravings. It's helped in my weight loss and it's a better example for my kids. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I switched to sparkling water in lieu of diet soda as well and you can get creative by squeezing lime or lemon juice, crushing up berries and so forth to add a bit of flavor. Plus, you can buy seltzer water (same thing as sparkling water) and it's much more cost effective than soda.

Anonymous said...

Wow - 25% of your post devoted to lashing out at others, but you are the peaceful blogger, right?

As to sodas. I gave them up 5 years ago. Good riddance. They serve no purpose and are awful for you. It is surprising that as someone who consistently toots their own horn you wouldn't have made this part of your life change on day 1. It's low hanging fruit.

Anonymous said...

Take just 30 minutes out of your day to exercise, it will make a big difference. Go for a hard walk, put in a workout video or if you can make it go to the gym. 30 minutes is not that long and it can fit in anywhere. You don't have to stop everything just to fit in exercise, 30 minutes is the length of a sitcom or how long most people spend reading personal emails.

crystal said...

I do not know Nancy,exercise gives me a boost and all but I am not sure if I could EVER completly give up my coffee and caffine!!! I gave up soft drinks years ago and only drink water (besides coffee and some cranberry juice.)But some days I just need my caffine boost.And I believe it helps me work out harder too.Maybe just the occasional soft drink would be ok.

Two more things...JohnThomas I missed the "hatefulness in this post and as usual anonymous just HAS to get in his usual dig at you!!! Go figure!!! :)