Thursday, April 28, 2011

127 and Counting

How many of you think this post is going to be about my weight? Just what I thought. Sorry, but 127 has nothing to do with my weight.

Remember my previous post about my annual physical and my anticipation with the scale and the dreaded blood work? Well, when I got the results, I learned that I now have another reason to watch what I eat more closely.  127 is my latest cholesterol count. 

Although I am still less than the 130 borderline, this number is higher than it had been at my last physical.  Nothing major, but my doctor recommended that I try to follow the Mediterranean diet and since I hate taking medication for anything, I will try to explore this recommendation.  Problem is, I don't know very much about the Mediterranean diet -- actually I now know nothing.  I will turn to the Google to take a crash course.  But I'd like to know how many of you are or have ever followed the Mediterranean diet?  Do you have any tips to share?  You can post anonymously.  Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Until next week I leave you with a quote from ultramarathon runner Dean Karnazes, "Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up."

Nancy Johnson


Dan said...

must be a typo. 127 is a fantastic cholesterol number.

Nancy J said...

Thanks. I have clarified why the doctor was concerned

Anonymous said...

Mediterranean is what I'm trying to do. My doc recommended it because my trigliceride level was through the roof (other components of cholesterol count were OK). Greek and Italian food (at least the Greek and Italian food that aren't fried or buried under cheese) would fit in. Lots of fish, leafy greens and olive oil. I discovered after starting this eating plan that I like black olives. I did not know that about myself! As always, I struggle with portion control. You definitely can have too much of a good thing. I think you will enjoy it.