Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Too many beers....

Charlotte's Biggest Loser is supposed to relate to losing weight. Well, for the last two weeks I've been just a regular "loser." A loser as in a person who just doesn't accomplish what they know they should. My weight has been stuck at 14 pounds loss and now this past week I gained a pound.

Its not some huge mystery though. Yes, I've been exercising. However, my exercise level has fallen short in one area or another each of the past two weeks. Either my total miles walked/jogged or my number of times doing the SPEW (sit ups/push-ups/exercise bike/weights) workout have fallen short. I know this because I keep a detailed log of my exercise.

I do not, however, keep a detailed log of my calorie consumption. That has got to change. Right now. I do know that due to some social activities I've had way too many beers the last two weeks and those things fill up the "keg" of my body and prevent any chance of the "six pack" from making a comeback.

I also have to acknowledge that the psychological "mess" that lurks in most of us is the other part of the battle. Why do I not always exercise enough and/or eat properly or the correct amount? I suppose each of us have some weird inner workings that make each of us unique. I also want to point out that being fat or fit doesn't eliminate or define all of our faults.
My overweight friends out there must join me in just keeping up the fight. Don't give up. Admitting you are not perfect is fine. But never admit you can't do it. I'll kick my own butt this week and start a food diary to help me not mess up as much and get back to it. Now get out there and go for a walk.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work, you can definitely do it. I've found that using Calorie King helps a ton with trying to log what you eat each day. Give it a whirl and see how you like it, I know they have a free 7 day trial. Best of luck to you!

Matt W said...

I believe there are several online calorie tracking sites. Some free, some not. I used Livestrong.com for a while.

The nice thing about these is a lot of meals and food items are already there with different portion sizes and calorie amounts. You just search and select. Livestrong also lets you track your exercise and calories burned.

Anonymous said...

i was stuck for a while as well. Its stress that makes you fall off the wagon. But for me, i noticed i was not drinking enough water- now I am up to 3-4 bottles a day got my metab back up--and thats COLD water! rememeber; its not how we fall, its how we get back up that counts! ron t

Kristen M said...

I'm not an exerciser at all outside of the weekend Sand Volleyball fun I can't live without, and walking my dogs 3 times a week.

I have been using www.myfitnessplan.com just to watch my calorie count and I have lost 6lbs by just being more aware of what foods are actually adding up in my body.

I still eat what I want for the most part, but now, when I go for a burger at 600+ calories, my snacks and drinks for the day may be something more like celery and water to balance out to my 1380 caolorie goal.

So definitely go for the 'calorie calculator' type sites....they certainly make you aware and more responsible in a way. Coupled with consistant exercise and you can definintely reach your goals!

Amy said...

Several of my coworker's have downloaded calorie counting apps to their phones. They told me that helped a lot. One coworker said his app allows him to write in what he's eating like a food diary and it figures out the calories. If I had a fancy phone I would do this! Love you daddy!

Anonymous said...

My wife and I started Weight Watchers this year as a New Year's resolution. I am happy to say I have lost 25 pounds since then!

I am 10-15 pounds away from my goal weight and once I reach it I will continue to "maintain" utilizing Weaight Watcher's online system. The reason I say this is because I have lost the weight without daily excercise and feel great! We have intorduced a healthy lifestyle without sacrificing our sanity.

It is very tough to stay regimented but feel falling off the wagon can be beneficial. We all want to have the utmost physical health and in order to do so we must understand mental well being is just as important. With that said, enjoy yourself occasionally and keep at it.

Best of Luck


Jaclyn said...

I use Fitday.com and have lost 5 pounds since using it - which is a lot for my size. It's free except for the annoying emails but you can track calories and exercise. And the site already has tons of foods and workout routines so you don't have to try and figure out how many calories you just ate or burned. I had no idea how many calories I ingested each day until I started this site and I am much more aware of what I eat/drink. I highly recommend to anyone trying to lose weight to use some type of online service or just write it down and track your calories.

spinelabel said...

On the beer question - Much as I love it, I had to cut back to get in shape. I did without it for a few long, dry months, then reintroduced it in moderation. One proposal - try homebrew - the calories aren't so empty that way. Good luck.

MFS said...

Don't beat yourself up so much. Just kick butt this week. The negative talk serves no purpose except to create bad feelings which is what keeps you from kicking up the exercise and eating better. You have lost 13-14 lbs! That's awesome. Good for you for admitting, making a change (food diary) and kicking it up. Like Bill, I have to put a good word in for Weight Watchers. Specifically, the online tools. They are an awesome way to keep track and the tracking is also a really cool way to be in touch with food but not be eating it. Just browse things you like, build out what you'll eat (and by default, not eat) the next day. Scan recipes and go shopping for the ingredients so you are prepped for the next day or the weekend. If you want to eat, go online instead. It really takes the edge off. I've lost 52 lbs using it and never once went to a meeting. My schedule didn't permit it. I do hear the meetings are great so if you can do both - go for it! I think they have Weight Watchers for Men online now. Basically, you can eat whatever you like but the Points Plus system rewards better eating and controls the portions. It doesn't even use calories. It calculates points by measuring fat, carbs, protein and fiber. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Dude, you have to maintain discipline. Otherwise you will fail. Discipline around eating - this means no sugar, no donuts, no junk food. You must count your calories and maintain a 2,000 calorie/day limit.
Plus you gotta work out. Join a gym, they are cheap.
Otherwise, you will live a short, unhappy life as a sexless fattie!

Jackie P said...

Looks like anonymean has moved over to your blog today... I use My fitness pal like Kristen does. It's been about 9 weeks and I've lost a little over 18 pounds. It is really a great tool, and has changed my life a lot!! Keep up the good work, you guys are really an inspiration to people.

Anonymous said...

www.myfitnesspal.com is an amazing, supportive, calorie counting community. It is free, so there is no harm in trying. They have apps for iPhone and android as well.

Anonymous said...

How about just exercising a respectable amount and quit all the "support" mechanisms. Those crutches are just that....crutches. Make a lifestyle change and watch your health change.