Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Confession: My 55 excuses for avoiding the gym

My personal trainer contacted me and my first session will take place this week! In honor of my initiative to get a professional exerciser's help, I've decided to list every excuse I could possibly use to rationalize my avoidance of the gym. Siskey-Jennifer mentioned her nutrition group completed this exercise and it helped some of the members overcome their lack of gymotivation*. Yes, I made this word up; see my dictionary entry below.

* Gymotivation = (N) to have plenty of motivation for other things, but none for hard-core gym workouts. Usage - I am working on my gymotivation so I can eventually run a mile without stopping.

I have to admit that I surprised myself with my expert ability to make excuses. Is there a contest for this? I'm an olympian! Some excuses may seem familiar and others totally ridiculous (you're preaching to the choir), but this purge will hopefully result in a cleansed spirit and fresh perspective to just do it. Feel free to add anything I missed because if I can think of it, I will use it.

55 Reasons to Not Go To The Gym

1. I'm tired!
2. I'm hungry!
3. I have too much to do.
4. I don't have anything to do and finally have time to rest.
5. I just washed my hair and don't want to sweat.
6. I straightened my hair and (see above).
7. I'm having a good hair day and (yup, see above).
8. I have to grade papers.
9. I have to enter grades.
10. I have to figure out what I'm teaching tomorrow.
11. I have to make a test/quiz/project/PowerPoint for class tomorrow.
12. I have to do a million things for class tomorrow.
13. I have to do a million things period (notice the lack of detail).
14. I don't want to get up earlier than I absolutely have to (see Number 1)!
15. I don't want to stay up late (see Number 1)!
16. I really want to watch ________ (fill in the blank with bad shows that I love to hate).
17. I talked on the phone too long with my mom/sister/aunt/friend etc. and now I have to get going and do stuff!
18. I have to do laundry.
19. I have to vacuum.
20. I have to clean the whole house - especially the bathrooms - what if someone stops by and needs to use the loo?! It could happen!
21. It's nice outside.
22. It's not nice outside - who wants to go out in this?!
23. I have to make dinner or I will end up eating late and sleeping on a full stomach that will induce nightmares.
24. I just ate dinner - I can't go now - remember the swimming rule?!
25. I need to relax.
26. I have to pee and don't want to use the bathroom at the gym (eww, sweaty).
27. I have to feed the dogs - what if they starve and decide to eat the couch?
28. There's too much traffic!
29. My feet hurt.
30. My head hurts.
31. I had a bad day.
32. I had a good day.
33. We have no food in the house - I should go shopping instead.
34. We have food in the house - I should make a fancy meal and use recipes!
35. I have to write my blog.
36. I have to see my husband - we should probably talk about something.
37. I want to read my book - I'm an English teacher for God's sake!
38. Alright, I'm going (but secretly I know that I will procrastinate until whoever is bugging me gives up or forgets what I'm supposed to be doing).
39. I had a long day. * Sigh *
40. I just don't feel like it (again, lack of detail). * Angry sigh *
41. I'm so stressed out. * Frustrated sigh *
42. Let's watch a movie instead!
43. The dogs have been all alone all day and now I'm going to leave them again? So unfair.
44. Oops, I forgot my gym clothes (secret smile).
45. I forgot my socks and working out without socks is begging for a Blisterama (serious face).
46. I'm going to start tomorrow.
57. I'm going to start Monday.
48. I'm going to wait until the weekend.
49. During the summer I will have a ton of time to workout - why stress myself out about it now?
50. Once work calms down I'll have a schedule I'll stick to (even I don't believe this one).
51. I need a workout buddy.
52. I don't want to workout with anyone else!
53. I have tutoring/a meeting/an appointment/plans after school.
54. I'll workout at home.
55. I don't want to workout at home.

No, I'm really going. Really.


Mandy said...

I can relate to so many of these! I was going strong working out regularly until the past two weeks when I got extra busy and started making excuses. We just have to try and remember that the more we make ourselves workout the more routine it will become and the easier it will get! Good luck with the trainer! Let me know how it goes!

Anonymous said...

Seems like carrying around a ridiculous list of excuses is much harder than just making a list of one thing that going to the gym will cause. That being, you will live longer and healthier.

Matt W said...

56. It's too crowded this time of day.
57. I'm still recovering from my workout 3 days ago.
58. I've got a big day tomorrow and don't want to be sore for that.

Anonymous said...

56-A: go running outside instead.

57-A: no workout takes three days of recovery. Well, except for a marathon or ironman. In fact, doing another workout will often reduce the soreness from the previous one.

58-A: there is no better feeling than being sore from a great workout.

Stop with the excuses already.

Matt W said...

@Anonymous, Attacking does not equal encouragement. You obviously did not read/understand that this list was written to help "overcome their lack of gymotivation."

Melissa is not in the habit of going to the gym or working out regularly. She is working on that.

You are not in the habit of recognizing a person's struggles and offering encouragement be it in a humorous way or whatever. You should work on that, perhaps starting with a list of reasons you are unable to understand sarcasm (see #57).

Jodie said...

Another great blog, Melissa! I was once told that you have to schedule your exercise onto you daily calendar just like any other thing you have scheduled... and then you have to stick to it. I know, easier said than done. I'm still trying to get into a good routine when it comes to exercising regularly.

Anonymous said...

@ Matt W - I have more knowledge on weight loss and fitness than you can imagine. I recognize it is an effective measure to write down a list of excuses. It makes them seem less scary. However, this is a list of 55 just to hear herself talk. You adding three more to the list just encourages more avoidance.

It take three weeks to make a habit, give or take. Three weeks, that's it, very simple. You know how to make a habit - you do it!

Get to the gym, or run, or bike or whatever. Every single day missed is another opportunity wasted. The blogger has been at this for six weeks or so, and from what I can tell, has worked out hard ONCE, when she went on a ridiculous 11 mile hike. Where is the motivation? Where is the accountability?


Jackie P said...

Okay "anonymous" you are getting on my nerves. Do you ever have one nice thing to say to anyone?? Seems to me you troll this blog purely to make yourself feel superior. First you rag on Miss because she hasn't written about going to see a trainer or nutritionist. Now that she has, hello the trainer told her to make the list, you still take cheap shots at her. I just don't understand... the facts are that she is not going about this as fast as she could, but she is still doing it. Sometimes fast isn't always better. I know a lot of people who have lost weight fast and found themselves gaining even more weight back. She has lost weight, not gained, not stayed the same. That in itself is a wonderful thing and worth some praise. She writes about her situations with humor and honesty. She is not the kind of writer who is going to give us a detailed play by play of every activity, exercise, etc. that she does. Instead she focuses on what she has a hard time with and tells us a story with it. Stop deciding that what she writes in this blog is all she is doing. Yes I know your comeback for me is going to be that I must be a fatty, and therefore make excuses blah blah blah myself. Well you'd be right I am a fatty, but this fatty has lost 13lbs in the last 7 1/2 weeks because I do my level best to work hard every week. Does that mean I haven't made the same mistakes Miss writes about.. no it doesn't because I definitely have. Does it make me or anyone else less of a person absolutely not. Some of the things you say are true, and the truth hurts. However most of the time you are just mean, insensitive, and NOT constructive in any way!!! So go ahead take your cheap shots at me, at least Melissa will get a break for a minute.

Matt W said...


I am not questioning your knowledge on weight loss and fitness. I am simply saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say, stick to the weather."

Maybe you're right. Maybe she does need tough love and someone to say, "Stop complaining, just do it already." But when I read her blog entries I get a different feel for the type of encouragement she needs.

I posted 3 more excuses to join in the humor and spirit of the blog entry. She even asked her readers to do so.

And now I ask you to consider taking three weeks and try posting nicer, more encouraging comments. Perhaps it will become a habit that you enjoy also.

Anonymous said...

It's mean person anonymous back again, so get over it. Whenever anyone in one of my workout groups whines or comes up with an excuse we lower the training intervals. Whining and excuses are for the birds.

I am impressed that the blogger is moving in the right direction.

Oh, and to Jackie P - good job on your weight loss. That is a nice amount of weight to lose in that time.

Skyscraper said...

Hello all...

To Miss:

a) I'm sick
b) I'm achey/icky feeling
c) I have a hot date, and need to spend and an extra hour attempting to look my best!
d) I'm getting over being sick, and I shouldn't push my body in this fragile state.
e) I'm feeling better, but my throat is still scratchy, I shouldn't do anything that would cause heavy breathy (outside of sex ;p) or it may make my throat worse and diminish my immune system AGAIN!
g) Sex burns 200+ calories...I shouldn't exert myself too much on exercise today since I am planning on having some adult fun tonight!!!

At Matt and Jackie....good job guys!

At Anonymous...I agree with some of your points. For example, the whole "it takes 3 weeks to make a habit" (though I'm not sure if this exact numeric count is completely accurate since everyone is different you can't really put a number on it, even with an avg. testig population...this is a psychological anomoly that cannot truly be measured). However...this habit we speak of can be a good or bad habit. Bad habits take MONTHS even YEARS to break. And no...this is not because the individual is weak minded. Though this may be the case for some, there are also other factors like a lack of a support system, outsiders who criticize or berate can promote depression vs. encouragement, life events that cannot be controled causing extreme stress and a temporary change in focus/priorites.

Miss is at a point where slacking off, eating bad things, and ignoring the benefits of exercise have become a bad habit. However, the first step to recovery is acknowledgement...which this blog prooves she has certainly done. She is now working on correcting this bad habit by getting her mindset wrapped around training herself into a good habit to break the cycle.

Everyone is different...some smokers can set their minds to quite the next day...others just are not there yet and take months. Either way, if the end result is that they quite, then we should support them...whether it takes days or months.

Skyscraper said...

One more thing...

@Anonymous....have you considered extending an invitation to Miss to join you with one of your exercise groups?

It seems you speak highly of these groups, and that you have managed to reach goals and overcome obstacles. Just a suggestion, but maybe it would be encouraging for her to meet the person who isn't afraid to say the truth and find a common ground of motivation in exercise. It could vary well be that your methods of encouragement are what she needs to kick herself into motion.

You never know!

Gina said...

Missy: I have all of the same excuses. At least you make them funny.

Anonymous said...

#56 I'm just plain too lazy to get in shape.

Anonymous said...

There is a triathlon training program at the Siskey Y run by the most lovely and compassionate woman you will ever meet. The program is tailored for complete newbies. I have seen dozens upon dozens of people successfully finish this program and participate in triathlons, many starting as heavy and lacking athleticism. I suggest the blogger consider this program after she achieves a slightly higher level of fitness. This program is welcoming.

To blogger, please consider this. You will not be disappointed.

Ann said...

I never thought about it until I read your blog, but I do that ALL the time...my most used excuse is that I'll start as soon as...as soon as, as soon as, as soon as. But it's never as soon as now! Keep your head up and keep trying. You'll get there.

Anonymous said...

More potential benefits of exercise:


tigerblood said...

Mr. Anonymous does try to give his best drill sergeant advice, and we shouldn't question his motives, though it would be most easy to assume that he is one that lacked a loving childhood and needs to identify himself as an expert in something because without that he has nothing. You know those type of people, the one that id’s themselves with their job, or their boobs, or their “skills” or anything else that is really just important to THEM, well maybe not boobs, others may care about them too j/k. Could it be the one that tries to call out others' errors and mistakes each and every time, like a viper waiting to strike needs to take one good look in the mirror and work on their shortcomings?

Or maybe he is just a concerned citizen that feels he holds the key to Melissa's success, and he has loads and loads of research to back up all his claims. But one thing that this dude needs to realize is that Melissa has a certain writing style, and will always use her wittiness and humor and show how she copes with her private lifelong struggle that will continue long after this blog or his last intense workout ends. No one was meant to be obese, and no know wants to be, but not everyone can be identically fit. Take a sampling of people, have them eat the same, workout the same, and I promise you, not all will look the exact same. So Mr. Anonymous, try and take it easy man, we know you have the research and you love to workout, use that same will power to just relax a bit, let your endorphins kick in and mellow out. This isn’t a training class, this is a blog, a lovely blog that gets more hits than the other two combined, at first I am sure because she’s a cutie, but her writing has captivated others out there not brave enough to post as anonymous.

So if all you really want to do is help, and I won’t assume either way, and you really don’t mean to be so darn mean spirited in the way you communicate on here all the time, try a different approach. Your words of wisdom as well as other’s on here will be a benefit to all. Deal?

Anonymous said...

tigerblood - thanks for the psychoanalysis. The problem with your post is that the blogger has yet to have a single tough workout. Words don't lose weight.

James said...

Heh, this made for a really funny read, after googling "avoiding the gym" while I am at work... because hey ho, i keep thinking about going home and just skipping the gym's bus stop...

I was doing very well until I had a few days out ill, now I'm struggling to get going again, what a lazy bum. MUST... WORK... OUT. I shall drag myself there after reading this, it won't be so bad when I get going :D